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The menu set is used to configure all settings of RadioTracer during an interactive session. The actual configuration can be stored completely or partially through the Store Configuration command. Instead of setting the parameters interactively, configuration files can be loaded through the Load Configuration command.

RadioTracer Menu Entry


(Shortcut key: i). The interactions dialog allows to set all relevant data for the ray-path search algorithm, i.e., which types of ray-paths an to which length the ray-paths are search for.

RadioTracer Dialog Box


RadioTracer Menu Entry


RadioTracer Menu Entry

Antenna Setup Dialog

The antenna setup dialog is not directly accessible in the set menu. However, an antenna can be set in various places, so the dialog is described only once in this section.

Several theoretical antenna radiation patterns or measured antenna patterns, which are loaded from a file, can be selected. Setting receiver antennae do not require to set the power. However, the frequency must be set for a receiver antenna as well, because it is needed to determine some geometric parameters of a certain antenna types. The description below refers to setting transmitter antennae. In the case of receiver antennae, certain parameters as indicated below may not be present in the dialog box.

Isotropic Antenna

RadioTracer Dialog Box

Dipole Antenna

RadioTracer Dialog Box

Monopole Antenna

RadioTracer Dialog Box

Short Dipole Antenna

RadioTracer Dialog Box

Short Monopole Antenna

RadioTracer Dialog Box


RadioTracer Dialog Box


Sets certain tolerances which are used in the computational parts of RadioTracer. The tolerance settings are part of a complete configuration file.

RadioTracer Dialog Box


Sets the threshold values which are used as default values during the visualization of coverage maps of RadioTracer. The thresholds settings are part of a complete configuration file.

RadioTracer Dialog Box


Sets the colors to be used in the drawings. The color settings are part of a complete configuration file. Note that the first entry specifies the transparent color, i.e., the object is drawn invisible.

RadioTracer Menu Entry


RadioTracer Dialog Box

(Shortcut key: c). Sets the different colors for drawings of the environment. Note that the chosen colors will have effect in all windows as well as in the PostScript files.


RadioTracer Dialog Box

Sets the different colors for drawings of the ray-paths if this drawing mode is enabled (see set preferences ).


RadioTracer Dialog Box

Sets the different colors of the legends used in the maps. The leftmost color representing the smallest value is always the one labelled undefined, the rightmost color representing the largest value is always the one labelled infinite. Note that the chosen colors will have effect in all windows as well as in the PostScript files.


RadioTracer Dialog Box


Depending on the version of RadioTracer, certain parameters can be set here. See the description of the customized version for more details.

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© 1998-2004, mobile connect GmbH, RadioTracer Manual Version 1.8